Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rocket Man

They said it would pass. They said you'll be alright. As it turns out, .... no, it actually didn't turn out. Im a rocket man. I am so tired. I feel nothing. Just tired. And if I could write it all out, If I could purge everything out onto paper or out of these finger tips into these keys. I would leave it all here on the screen. I don't know what questions to ask therefore I don't know how to answer. Does it hurt more or does it hurt less now that some people know? I think it hurts more. All I know for sure is that it hurts.
I was a Rocket Man. I was a speeding train. But now, now I am just here and I am hurt. I stare at the screen and the screen stares back. There is nothing left I have to say, .... for now.

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